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Art at the Institute

Artistic work opens up diverse and continuously new perspectives on questions relating to both: the future and the past. This is why ifa curates, sponsors, and realises exhibitions focusing on the fine arts, design and architecture: from the history of the Bauhaus to contemporary photography, from artworks examining conditions in postcolonial societies to works taking a contemporary look at the potential of upcycling. By doing so, ifa creates thematic areas that are equally relevant for many regions of the world. Getting people to meet each other and become more involved in the arts and artistic concepts are at the very core of the work. ifa's arts department promotes this artistic and cultural exchange through varying programmes in the ifa Gallery Stuttgart and the ifa Gallery Berlin, through exhibitions worldwide, artists' contacts and exhibition funding as well as through its contributions to biennials and conferences.


Past Exhibitions

A look at the archive offers information on past exhibitions in the ifa galleries in Berlin and Stuttgart, on past traveling exhibitions worldwide as well as funded projects in Germany and abroad through the funding programmes Artists' Contacts and Exhibition Funding.

Discover the archive