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Cultural Assistant Programme

Participants of workshop put together pieces of European country puzzle as part of ifa's cultural assistant programme's workshop "populism and extremism". photo: Dominique Brewing

Exploring New Options

Working together on a project and breaking new grounds: The Cultural Assistant Programme supports organisations of German minorities with cultural, youth or media projects. Through ifa's funding for junior staff members, an organisation, association or editorial office can benefit from receiving a temporary, additional staff member. 

In this way, the programme for German minorities in Eastern Europe and Central Asia offers the opportunity to implement extraordinary concepts and project ideas and to further develop their institutions. The duration is to a maximum of six months.

Who can apply?

The Cultural Assistant Programme is designed for organisations, associations and editorial offices of German minorities who need additional staff for a limited period of time for a development project or a project idea. 

What does the funding include?

ifa supports organisations with a monthly financial aid for a junior staff member. The amount ranges between 300 and 500 euros depending on the country depending where the organisation is located. The duration of the support is to a maximum of six months.

The cultural assistances can also network and receive topic-relevant training as part of an ifa-organised seminar. The topics of these trainings will be shaped around their needs and interesrs. Topics include leadership and motivation of youth groups and volunteer teams, moderation methods, time management, conflict management, fundraising, project management, project development, public relations, intercultural communication or train-the-trainer seminars.

After completing the project, the experiences gained will be evaluated in a review account, and together, the participants reflect upon as to whether or not the goals of the cultural assistantship were achieved.

What are the requirements?

  • The host institution provides the cultural assistant with a work space and means of communication, including a computer, telephone and his or her own email address. The organisation bears the costs incurred.
  • The host institution appoints a contact person for the training and mentoring of the cultural assistant during the funded period.
  • The host organisation will include the cultural assistant in the structures of the institution but will not involve him or her in the daily work and regular tasks of the institution. This way, the cultural assistant can fully devote him or herself to the project.
  • The host organisation guarantees that the independent selection of the cultural assistant will take place in an open application procedure with a selection committee.

Requirements for the Cultural Assistant

The cultural assistant must be a junior staff member of a German minority institution or come from a German minority community and possess very good German language skills. In addition, he or she should possess initial practical experience in the planning and implementation of youth, cultural or media projects and is interested in becoming engaged in the institution in the longer term.

Application process

Application Deadlines

You can apply for the Cultural Assistant Program between January 29th and February 18th 2024. 

German Minorities

Minorities can mediate between cultures and provide impulses for the coexistence of different population groups – provided that the minorities are socially recognised, have a secure space to assert themselves and have access to appealing programmes. For this reason, they must be well positioned both institutionally and personally. The programmes for German Minorities support German minorities in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia in their role as civil society actors and bridge-builders. They thus promote a multifaceted, current and realistic image of Germany, contributing to the process of European integration and cultural relations within Europe and beyond.


Julia Herzog

Scholarship Programme Coordination

Charlottenplatz 17
D-70173 Stuttgart

Telephone: +49.711.2225.253
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Funded by the Federal Foreign Office