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Mukenge/Schellhammer,'Tropical Dream', Acrylics on canvas, 230 x 120, Stuttgart 2020, © Mukenge/Schellhammer

Pool Malebo

11 Mar 2022
1 May 2022
ifa Gallery Stuttgart
Charlottenplatz 17
70173 Stuttgart

Pool Malebo is a well-known place in Kinshasa, a tropical river landscape that has been both a real trade centre and a site for the projection of European fantasies from colonial times to this day. On the basis of this hub for the transhipment of goods and images, the Congolese and German duo Mukenge/Schellhammer explore the fictional potential of contemporary depictions of otherness in their multimedia exhibition Pool Malebo.

Embedding contemporary images and narratives into fantastic and speculative scenes leads to a discovery of the act of representing the other as a process of making it exotic, constructing meanings and producing realities. Mukenge/Schellhammer process layers of real and imaginary pictorial worlds that shape our collective (un)conscious, and they subject themselves to a process of strategic auto-exoticization. This leads to jointly made paintings that they expand in the exhibition with scenographic interventions, digital painting and experimental videos to form a multi-dimensional, multimedia narrative. Otherness and the opposite are not merely presented or criticized, but worked upon in a shared process that asks as to its opportunities for designing different, better or simply more interesting images that can become part of our collective imaginary world.  

The exhibition is planned as a continuous process of a collective (re)definition of meaning. The digital and analogue paintings, experimental videos and installations were created as a series of work between Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Germany during and since the stay of the duo at Akademie Schloss Solitude in 2021 and 2022, and they are further developed in the exhibition gallery by the artists during the period of the exhibition. The ifa Gallery becomes a cartography of real and imaginary images that come together in ever new constellations and de- and recode our imaginary worlds. Visitors are invited to become part of this process, to enter into dialogue with Christ Mukenge and Lydia Schellhammer and to together work on a collective product that expands the exhibition in an open form.

The exhibition is accompanied by a processual publication with contributions by Marian Kaiser, Jean Kamba, Bettina Korintenberg and Elke aus dem Moore.

Curatorial concept: Bettina Korintenberg in dialogue with the duo Mukenge/Schellhammer


Thursday, 10 March 2022: Exhibition opening

18.30 – 21.30: Exhibition opening

Saturday, 12 March: Open Studio – Rencontre des Artistes

15:00 – 18:00: On Saturdays Christ Mukenge and Lydia Schellhammer will be present and invite you to join a conversation with them and to work together on (imaginary) images.

Friday, 18 March 2022: Guided tour

16:00 – 17:00: Guided tour of the exhibition with art historian Andrea Welz followed by conversations about art with an aperitif.
For visually impaired and blind persons special tours can be booked by appointment under 0711/2225-161 or at

Saturday, 19 March: Open Studio – Rencontre des Artistes

15:00 – 18:00: On Saturdays Christ Mukenge and Lydia Schellhammer will be present and invite you to join a conversation with them and to work together on (imaginary) images.

Saturday, 26 March: Open Studio – Rencontre des Artistes

15:00 – 18:00: On Saturdays Christ Mukenge and Lydia Schellhammer will be present and invite you to join a conversation with them and to work together on (imaginary) images.

Thursday, 31 March 2022: In Conversation

16:00: Dialogue tour of the exhibition with curator Bettina Korintenberg
from 17:00: Media theorist and author Marian Kaiser lives in Berlin and Kinshasa. He invites participants to join a conversation about imaginary places, fiction and fabulation.

Friday, 8 April 2022: Guided tour

16:00 – 17:00: Guided tour of the exhibition with art historian Andrea Welz followed by conversations about art with an aperitif.
For visually impaired and blind persons special tours can be booked by appointment under 0711/2225-161 or at

Friday, 8 April 2022: Talk with Gitte Zschoch, Jean Kamba and Elke aus dem Moore

19:00 – 20:00: Network Kinshasa – International Cooperation in the Post-Colonial Context with Gitte Zschoch, Jean Kamba and Elke aus dem Moore.

Gitte Zschoch was the founder director of the Goethe-Institut office in Kinshasa and has also worked at Goethe-Institut branches including Seoul, Tokyo and Johannesburg. In 2021 she became Secretary General of the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa).
Jean Kamba is a communication studies scholar, writer and art critic. He is a research assistant at the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Kinshasa and a member of the network “Another road map school.” Kamba was involved in the organisation of the first Biennale de Kinshasa (YANGO).
Elke aus dem Moore is the director of Akademie Schloss Solitude. Moderation: Bettina Korintenberg (director of ifa Gallery Stuttgart).

Saturday, 9 April 2022: Open Studio – Rencontre des Artistes

15:00 – 18:00: On Saturdays Christ Mukenge and Lydia Schellhammer will be present and invite you to join a conversation with them and to work together on (imaginary) images.

Thursday, 14 April 2022: Concert Lova Lova

19:00 – 21:00: Wilfried Luzele, aka Lova Lova, is a musician and performer. In the alternative cultural scene in Kinshasa he is well known for his mix of rock and Afro-punk with traditional Congolese music. He sings in Lingala, Kikongo and French. His texts powerfully and humorously depict urban life in Kinshasa. He transfers the beating pulse of the city into his dance music.

Thursday, 28 April 2022: Guided tour

16:00 – 17:00: Guided tour of the exhibition with art historian Andrea Welz followed by conversations about art with an aperitif.
For visually impaired and blind persons special tours can be booked by appointment under 0711/2225-161 or at

Saturday, 30 April 2022: Guided tour

16:00 – 17:00: Guided tour of the exhibition with art historian Andrea Welz followed by conversations about art with an aperitif.
For visually impaired and blind persons special tours can be booked by appointment under 0711/2225-161 or at

ifa Galleries

Thw ifa Galleries in Stuttgart und Berlin present contemporary art from  a global point of view. The work of the ifa Galleries is based on seeing the world from a diversity and plurality of perspectives, discovering new stories, and shaping emancipatory processes, interactions, and artistic spaces. Our focus is on long-term relationships with artists, partners, and visitors, and our exhibitions and education programmes are developed through practices of collaboration that trace global entanglements and piece them together in new forms of narrative.

ifa Gallery Berlin

ifa Gallery Stuttgart

Collaboration partner


ifa Gallery Stuttgart

Charlottenplatz 17
D-70173 Stuttgart

Telephone: +49.711.2225.173
