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CCP Synergy

Networking Civil Societies

CCP Synergy promotes tandem cooperations between civil society organisations from Germany and one of the 45 CCP partner countries which would like to carry out a joint initiative and network sustainably. Brief stays by employees from the cooperating organisations are promoted as are purely online collaborations as well as hybrid forms of collaboration. The purpose of such a collaboration could be, for example, the planning and implementation of joint events, fact-finding missions, research or artistic undertakings as well as the preparation of different kinds of publications. Thus, this programme encourages an exchange between civil society actors across national borders.

Who can apply?

Participating countries

Organisations from the following countries are currently being funded:
Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bhutan, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Columbia, Cuba, Egypt, Georgia, Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Marocco, Mauritania, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine Territories, Philippines, Republic of Moldova, Qatar, Russia, Saudi-Arabia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunesia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen.


CCP Synergy is aimed at employees from two organisations who are planning a joint initiative. One of the organisations must be located in Germany and the other in one of the partner countries listed above. Organisations that are currently establishing contacts or initiating joint activities are expressly invited to apply for the CCP Synergy programme. Former CCP Fellowships participants and their organisations are eligible to apply for CCP Synergy.

The organisations need to be officially registered in the countries they are based in (and need to submit an official certification that might differ depending on the country).

If possible, both organisations should work in a similar field – thematically or regionally – from one of the following areas:

  • Policy and society
  • Media and culture
  • Human rights and peace
  • Sustainable development & climate justice

In addition in 2024 the following key topics will also be focussed on:

  • Circular Economy
  • Gender & Diversity

Eligibility criteria

Since the programme is designed for organisations, individuals cannot apply for CCP Synergy.
Funded collaborations need to be finalised by 15 November 2024. Tandems planning their funded cooperation beyond this date will not be considered for selection.

Introduction CCP Synergy Tandems

Promoting sustainable tourism: The organizations Ecological Tourism in Europe from Germany and Association PINNA for the Development and the Promotion of Ecotourism from Tunisia are keen to develop sustainable tourism together. © PINNA
Research on the effects of climate change on migration: The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the Impact and Policy Research Institute (IMPRI) from India conducted a study on climate change induced migration in Uttarakhand, India. © PKI
Fighting for the rights of Yezidi: The German NGO Eziden Weltweit travelled to Armenia to meet up with the NGO Shams Humanitarian. Together they visited Yezidi villages and talked to women about the lack of education due to early marriages and traditional gender roles. © Eziden Weltweit
Connecting through puppet theatre: The Knirps Theater travelled from Germany to Tajikistan to meet up with the Public "Alumni Centre" of the University of Central Asia. With material from local markets, they built puppets and acted together. © Knirps Theater
Digital discourse: Casa Cultural El Chontaduro from Colombia implemented an online workshop on intersectionality and decoloniality with the German organisation Lesben- und Schwulenverband in Deutschland with speakers from all over the world. © LSVD

What does the funding include?

CCP Synergy supports both cooperating organisations with a total of 4,500 euros.

Funding is available for the following purposes:

  • travel expenses
  • accommodation
  • meals in accordance with the valid daily rates
  • health insurance
  • expenditure allowance as needed
  • other costs related to the collaboration such as visas, etc.

In addition to financial support, ifa is available to answer any further questions and assist the participating organisations from abroad in obtaining visas for stays in Germany. However, the participating organisations are principally responsible for planning their own trips.

On 05.03.2024 at 14:00 (CET), an online info-session will take place.
You can join here.
Participation by phone: +4930 235 989 438 | PIN: 77905#

Application Guidelines

Application in 3 steps

  1. Both organisations jointly fill out the application form.
  2. Create a preliminary joint calculation of all costs which apply to both organisations.
  3. Applications can only be submitted directly on our application portal

What application documents are required?

Application deadline

The call for applications for CCP Synergy 2025 will open in early 2025.

Please take a look at our FAQs for more details.

What happens after having applied?

All applicants will receive a written confirmation or rejection within approx. 6 weeks after the application deadline.

Get to know inspiring synergy results

Fighting Menstrual Discrimination in Nepal and Bangladesh

CCP Alums from Nepal and Bangladesh realized a Synergy cooperation to create an educational video on menstrual hygiene for women in rural areas.
Read more about the project in an interview with CCP alumna Proma Parmita.



Fighting Menstrual Discrimination in Bangladesh and Nepal


Anne Marie Kruse

Charlottenplatz 17
D-70173 Stuttgart

Telephone: +497112225156