Culture Report

Progress Europe

Culture and cultural policy are of strategic significance in the process of European unification. The question is, what use is made of them? What is the state of cultural relations within Europe? How can European cultural policies contribute to the forming of a European identity? The culture report “Progress Europe” attempts to find answers to these questions. Among the authors are cultural policy makers, journalists, education experts, theatre and film-makers, festival organisers and scientists from all over the world.


Europe Needs Emotions. By Ingrid Hamm
Culture on the Rise. By Kurt-Jürgen Maaß

1. The Perception of Europe
1.1 Self-Perception
Invisible Public? By Bo Stråth
Brand Europe. By Simon Anholt
1.2 Perception of Others
Who is Schopenhauer? By Atsuko Onuki
Museum Europe. By Andrew Ian Port
The Pale Continent. By Rajendra K. Jain
Farewell to Europe. By Adjaï Paulin Oloukpona-Yinnon
dentity Pitfalls By Leopoldo Waizbort
Paradise Europe. By Sergej Sumlenny
2. Culture in EU Policy
Key Element or Ornament? By Enrique Banús
New Territory in Sight? By Olaf Schwencke
Structure nurtures Culture. By Christine Beckmann
3. Foreign Cultural Policy
Not Promotion but Partnership. By Michael Bird
Escape from Huntington’s Scenario. By Traugott Schöfthaler
EU phoria in Croatia. By Marija Pejčinović Burić
read and Games (Panem et Circenses). By Gyula Kurucz

1. The Media
The Continent of No Communication. By Peter Preston
Europa on Screen. By Deirdre Kevin
2. Film
Reconciliation in lieu of Division. By Michael Schmid-Ospach
Curtain for Niche Cinema. By Dina Iordanova
The Power of Images. By Wim Wenders
3. Education
The End of the National Education. Fortress By Guy Haug
Learning over Time. By Andreas Schleicher
Higher Education without Frontiers? By Franziska Muche
4. Language
Do You Speak European? By Ulrich Ammon
Fortunate Babel. By Etienne Barilier
5. Music
The Sound of Europe. By Jean-Francois Michel
Feeling the Blues? By Jonas Bjälesjö
6. Literature
Europa Reads. By Albrecht Lempp
A House (of Literature) for the Continent. By Florian Höllerer
7. Theatre
A Stage for European Theatre. By Bernard Faivre d’Arcier
Visionary Opera. By Xavier Zuber
8. Art, Architecture, Fashion
Europe – Work of Art. By Ursula Zeller
Fashion Shapes Europe. An Expert talk between Ingrid Loschek and Sibylle Klose
Fashion World – World Fashion. By Daniel Devoucoux
Europe – a Shell? By Hans Ibelings

Please choose a language.


Year of publication: 2007

Ulrich Ammon, Simon Anholt, Enrique Banús, Etienne Barilier, Christine Beckmann, Michael Bird, Jonas Bjälesjö, Daniel Devoucoux, Bernard Faivre d’Arcier, Guy Haug, Florian Höllerer, Hans Ibelings, Dina Iordanova, Rajendra K. Jain, Deirdre Kevin, Sibylle Klose, Gyula Kurucz, Albrecht Lempp, Ingrid Loschek, Jean-François Michel, Franziska Muche, Adjaï Paulin Oloukpona-Yinnon, Atsuko Onuki, Marija Pejčinović Burić, Andrew Ian Port, Peter Preston, Andreas Schleicher, Michael Schmid-Ospach, Traugott Schöfthaler, Olaf Schwencke, Bo Stråth, Sergej Sumlenny, Leopoldo Waizbort, Wim Wenders, Ursula Zeller, Xavier Zuber

Type of publication: Anthologies
Topic: Culture and Foreign Policy, Art, Media, Education, Europe
Edition: 1
Pages: 279
Series: Culture Report Progress Europe
Art. No.: 5001

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