Deep Dive: Cultural Policy and the FIFA Worldcup Qatar

Podcast with Claus Leggewie

Political expert Claus Leggewie believes that sport is a driving factor for globalisation. He argues that spectators of major sporting events form a transnational community, albeit a volatile one. But what about the highly controversial FIFA World Cup in Qatar in 2022?

How can international cultural relations be researched and analysed? The Deep Dive episodes provide a closer scientific perspective on topics of international cultural policy and feature scientists and experts who will talk about their current research projects and results.  

An illustration can be seen. On a purple background, it reads in white letters: Die Kulturmittler:innen, in yellow Deep Dive, on a green square in white letters Claus Leggewie. In the centre, one can see a yellow magnifying glass, focusing on the world, held by a hand. This is the cover of the academic extension of the ifa podcast Die Kulturmittler:innen on foreign cultural policy.
Illustrated by Lea Dohle

Making foreign cultural policy audible.

Background knowledge and answers to global issues delivered by ifa in a podcast format

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