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Bilateral Cultural Societies

Portrait of participants of the workshop
Dr. Allmendinger, vice president of the Vereinigung Deutsch-Französischer Gesellschaften für Europa e.V. (VDFG)

Funding for bilateral cultural societies in Germany

Bilateral cultural societies form a civil society foundation for exchange and encounters. Most of these societies work on a voluntary basis and thrive on the commitment and enthusiasm of their members for the respective country. They organise a wide range of cultural, educational and exchange projects that appeal to a broad audience. 

The ifa has been supporting bilateral cultural societies with funds from the Federal Foreign Office since 2023. Civil society actors who contribute to the foreign policy of the societies within Germany are supported through project funding, training and networking programmes.

What are bilateral cultural societies?

The term "bilateral cultural societies" refers to German associations and the cultural institutions they support that have set themselves the goal of cultural exchange with the respective country abroad. 


Countries, organisations and institutions

Bilateral cultural societies connect Germany with European and non-European countries on all continents of the world. 

Why do cultural societies receive funding?

By promoting bilateral cultural organisations, the ifa aims to strengthen transnational civil society cooperation.

In addition, the funding is intended to 

  • support the work of the organisations
  • make projects more visible 
  • expand target groups 
  • network participating organisations

Project funding is provided in consultation with the Federal Foreign Office. 

What does the content of the programme look like?

  • Advising bilateral cultural organisations on the content and administration of project applications
  • Networking between the cultural organisations 
  • Training seminars to optimise project management

The ifa provides funding for the organisations via the so-called "two-stage funding procedure" (including checking the proof of use), supports and advises them in terms of content and administration and attempts to set new priorities. 

Impressions from the network meeting of bilateral cultural societies


Julia Herzog

Scholarship Programme Coordination

Charlottenplatz 17
D-70173 Stuttgart

Telephone: +49.711.2225.253
Logo of the Federal Foreign Office, © Federal Foreign Office
Funded by the Federal Foreign Office