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Adrien Missika “Ou/Où”, 2018. Poem generated by pebble throwing. Pebbles collected from Serifos Island, recto/verso rubber stamp print. Courtesy Galeria Francisco Fino, Lisbon and Proyectos Monclova, Mexico City

Chains of Interest - exhibition opening

29 Sep 2022
ifa Gallery Berlin
Linienstrasse 139/140
10115 Berlin

Over the past year, Isaac Chong Wai, Lizza May David, Wilhelm Klotzek, Ofri Lapid, Adrien Missika and Gitte Villesen have closely examined and worked with ifa's art collection through their own artistic practices: The exhibition Chains of Interest continues their artistic-curatorial research.

In the previous exhibition Spheres of Interest*, the artists activated and contextualised the selected works in performative, critical, narrative and humorous ways. The uncovered voids, the artistic overlaps, the political entanglements and the relationships that have been established provide the starting point for the upcoming exhibition.

Chains of Interest can be read as the second chapter of an open process that unearths artistic languages through words, gestures and sounds. The participating artists come to the fore presenting new works linked to ifa's art collection.

Read press release

Opening Hours – ifa Gallery Berlin

Tuesday – Sunday: 14.00 – 18.00
Thursday: 14.00 – 20.00
Closed on Mondays and holidays

Free admission


ifa Gallery Berlin

Linienstraße 139/140
D-10115 Berlin

Telephone: +49.30.284491.40
