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An illustration with vertical stripes in blue, orange and black can be seen. In the upper left corner is written in white: "Camila Sposati. Breath Pieces". This is an exhibition at the ifa Gallery Stuttgart, which can be visited from 13 May to 20 August 2023. © Sascha Fronczek
© Sascha Fronczek

Camila Sposati – Breath Pieces

13 May 2023
20 Aug 2023
ifa Gallery Stuttgart
Charlottenplatz 17
70173 Stuttgart

The exhibition 'Breath Pieces' focuses on the artist's fascination for the core of our planet, with its subterranean energy currents transforming the earth's surface and charged with history. With her work, Camila Sposati (*1972, São Paulo, Brazil) asks questions like: What messages does the earth send? What memories does it embody and how can we connect with it, start a conversation? The exhibition will be hosted at the ifa Gallery in Stuttgart this spring before it will move to the ifa Gallery Berlin in the fall.

Camila Sposati

Curated by:
Bettina Korintenberg and Marcelo Rezende

In collaboration with:
Theater Rampe and Bureau Baubotanik

Camila Sposati, a Brazilian artist and researcher, approaches art with an experimental and interdisciplinary practice. She challenges various assumptions and categories that have shaped Western thought, including anthropocentrism, linear time, and the division between culture and nature. Breath Pieces, the artist’s first comprehensive solo exhibition in Germany, creates a unique experiential space that vibrates throughout the city of Stuttgart and builds on her artistic exploration over the past twenty years. The exhibition is a bodily experience of changing perspectives in three acts: at ifa Gallery, at Theatre of the Long Now at Wagenhallen, and at Theater Rampe.

The concept of Amerindian perspectivism stands for the cosmology of indigenous communities in the Amazon region in Brazil, and it comprises a multiplicity of realities – of animals, plants, and the Earth itself, all of which are closely interwoven with humankind. This way of experiencing the world and connecting with it is central to the artist’s project in Stuttgart. Sposati interprets perspectivism as a way of understanding the world as multiple subjectivities rather than a singular and objective reality, emphasising the interconnectedness and interdependence of all beings. In doing so, she highlights the importance of exchange between and the coexistence of plural temporalities, and stresses the mutual shaping of the human and nonhuman worlds.

Sposati's attention to the complexity of life in its interconnectedness vibrates from the energy centre within the exhibition at ifa Gallery to outside locations in Stuttgart. The artist engages and confronts herself with new contexts – with 'the other' and 'the unknown', which she permits to affect and transform her own self. For Sposati, Stuttgart is such an unknown territory that has its own geography and geology, social and political strata, as well as human and nonhuman inhabitants who have been specifically formed through migration.

This project is the result of a process of negotiation and conversation – the latter in the etymological sense of the word: living and acting together. The first act, a prelude to the exhibition at the Theatre of the Long Now at Wagenhallen, started on 1 April 2023. Tubes have been drilled into the ground in Stuttgart and samples habe been taken which has then metamorphose into earthen musical instruments to be filled with breath and played for and listened to by the earth. In the ifa Gallery, in the second act, several generations of these instruments are in conversation with themselves and the visitors.

The third act at Theater Rampe expands the process of communication and exchange. Sposati's clay instruments serve as tools and communicators, facilitating a breath-guided dialogue between individuals from the heterogeneous strata of Stuttgart. Through this interactive experience, participants are invited and inspired to explore the concept of 'the other' in their own lives and neighbourhoods, leading to a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

The Breath Pieces that Sposati creates embrace complexity, multiplicity, and contingency, encouraging us to consider new ways of comprehending the world and our place within it. By envisioning alternative futures, we are compelled to work towards achieving them. Through her art, Sposati invites us to broaden our perspectives, recognise the interconnectedness of all beings, and strive for a new understanding.


12. Mai, Eröffnung

Freitag, 12.05. um 19:00 Uhr

Kurze Einführung in die Ausstellung durch die Kurator:innen der Ausstellung, Bettina Korintenberg und Marcelo Rezende. Die Künstlerin wird ebenfalls anwesend sein.

Zum Event



13. Mai, Gespräch: Atem-Stücke (Ritual in drei Akten)

Samstag, 13.05.2023 um 20:00 Uhr

Die Künstlerin Camila Sposati lädt das Publikum zu künstlerischen und diskursiven Aktionen ein, die Imagination, Klang und Körper in Resonanz bringen.

Ausgangspunkt ist das Innere der Erde mit seinen Energieströmen, die die Erdoberfläche verwandeln. Im Theater Rampe kommen verschiedene Akteur:innen aus Stuttgart zusammen, um Musikinstrumente, die für die Ausstellung Atem-Stücke in der ifa-Galerie entstanden sind, zu bespielen. Sie verbinden damit Raum-, Klang- und Stimmkörper. Gemeinsam mit der Künstlerin und Gästen laden Theater Rampe und ifa-Galerie zum anschließenden offenen Gespräch ein.

Das Gespräch findet auf Englisch und Deutsch statt. Eintritt frei.

Ort: Probebühne Theater Rampe, Filderstraße 47, 70180 Stuttgart

Zum Event


16. Mai, Lesung und Gespräch

Dienstag, 16.05.2023 von 18:00 – 19:30 Uhr

Das Erzählen der Kriege: Ein Gespräch mit Nino Haratischwili, Tanja Maljartschuk und Faruk Šehić

Moderation: Claudia Dathe

Diese Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen des Literaturfestival Stuttgart 2023 – Schreiben, während die Welt geschieht statt.

Zum Event

31. Mai, Workshop: Bewegungsreise

Mittwoch, 31.05.2023 von 17:30 – 19:00 Uhr

Atmen, hüpfen, schnalzen – der menschliche Körper kann auf vielfältige Weise aktiviert werden. Davorin Strauss, Tanzpädagoge und Körperforscher, geht mit den Teilnehmenden auf eine Reise zu den klanglichen
und motorischen Möglichkeiten des eigenen Körpers. In kurzen, leichten und szenischen Einheiten erleben wir unseren Körper aus Ausdruck von Form und Gestalt.Vorkenntnisse sind nicht notwendig.

Mit Johanna Fricke, Tanzpädagogin

Anmeldung bei Valerie Hammberbacher unter ifa-galerie-stuttgart(at)

Zum Event

16. Juni, Kunstgespräche und Führungen

Freitag, 16.06.2023 um 16:00 Uhr

Kunstgespräche und Führungen durch die Ausstellung, mit anschließendem Aperitif in der Galerie.

Zum Event

Weitere Termine: 07.07., 14.07. und 21.07.2023

Für seheingeschränkte und blinde Menschen finden spezielle Führungen auf Anfrage statt. Anmeldung hierfür bei Stefanie Alber unter ifa-galerie-stuttgart(at)

08. Juli, Familienworkshop ab vier Jahren

Samstag, 08.07.2023 von 14:00 – 16:00 Uhr

Mit Claudia Dietz und Menja Stevenson

Modellieren mit Ton: Dabei finden die Finger alleine ihre Spur, die Augen folgen einer inneren Landschaft und wir dürfen uns überraschen lassen. Die unsichtbaren Spuren werden mit Gips gegossen und sichtbar gemacht. Am Ende gräbt jeder eine kleine Gips-Skulptur aus.

Anmeldung bis zum 04.07.2023 bei Stefanie Alber unter ifa-galerie-stuttgart(at)

Opening Hours – ifa Gallery Stuttgart

Wednesday – Sunday: 12.00 – 18.00
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays.

Free admission


