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Exhibition view of three works by Jana Euler in different formats. From left to right: yellow-grounded work with a black figure in a frock, then a small-format, brown-grounded picture with pink flowers and on the right a large, picture-filling image of a coffee bean.
Exhibition Jana Euler "Two Faces Have I - Território #5, Culturgest Porto, Photo: Alexandre Delmar

Two Faces Have I – Porto

Território #5

8 Jun 2024
8 Sep 2024
Culturgest Porto
Avenida dos Aliados 104
4000–065 Porto

Supported by the exhibition funding program.

Supported artist: Jana Euler

Jana Euler’s slugs imply the movement of both the viewer and the painting’s subject, giving a clockwise vortex to the show, while her bean offers the exhibition another off-centre centre – where the energy comes from – and the molten faces of her collage are not two but sixteen. Though Euler refrains from commenting on her works, they themselves are far from mute, speaking simultaneously in a whisper and a scream, fully cogent of painting’s double bind – stretching and itching, as always.
Often working in a form of quasi-series, we show limbs from two of Euler’s bodies, including two works never presented publicly before. After solo shows at Artists Space, Stedelijk Museum, Portikus, and Kunsthalle Zürich, and a central position in the last Venice Biennale, Euler’s presence in Portugal is a blessing.

Culturgest Porto | Culturgest


Exhibition view: a detailed depiction of an orange nudibranch hangs on a white wall. The wall, with a door in the centre, is papered with black and white works of different sizes.
Exhibition view: On two walls there is a work with a picture-filling depiction of an orange slug and a smaller framed picture with black and white collages of faces.
Exhibition view: a small-format, framed picture hangs on the left wall next to a window. On the wall next to it is a picture of a large-format nudibranch.
4X4 faces alienated depicted in black and white as a collage, framed.
A woman with half-length hair stands in front of a large-format image of a coffee bean. She is wearing a white blouse with large black dots and mustard-coloured trousers.

Exhibition Funding

The Exhibition Funding programme supports contemporary artists in implementing art projects abroad.

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About ifa

ifa – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen promotes a peaceful and enriching coexistence between people and cultures worldwide. ifa supports artistic and cultural exchange in exhibition, dialogue and conference programmes, and it acts as a centre of excellence for international cultural relations. It is part of a global network and relies on sustainable, long-term partnerships. ifa is supported by the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, the state of Baden-Württemberg and its capital Stuttgart.

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Ingrid Klenner

Charlottenplatz 17
D-70173 Stuttgart

Telephone: +49.711.22.25.171
