A wooden box stands on a red surface. The chess pieces are symbolized by various grinding tool tips.
Photo: © ifa, Team bildhübsche Fotografie

Takako Saito: Chess and Art

16 Theses on Takako Saito's Chess Games or 16 Theses on Fluxus, Networks and Playfulness

5 Jun 2024
18:00 - 19:00
ifa-Galerie Stuttgart
Charlottenplatz 17
70173 Stttgart

A dialogue-based tour of works by the artist Takako Saito

Art historian Alexa Dobelmann is doing her doctorate on the subject of networks of Fluxus artists at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, where she is examining Hanns Sohm's archive, a contemporary documentation of correspondence, photos, books, catalogues, magazines, films and videos. In doing so, she draws parallels between Fluxus and Hanns Sohm's practice, focussing among other things on the relationship to Japan and vice versa. In this context, the artist Tatako Saito, who is represented in the ifa exhibition "Traces of Interest" with several chess games, appears as a nomadic artist and typical of the Fluxus movement.

ifa Galleries

The ifa Galleries show the visual arts, architecture and design of a globalized world. They have been addressing contemporary art and current cultural and socio-political developments in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe since 1971 in Stuttgart and since 1991 in Berlin. Exhibition series afford insight into art scenes all over the world and reach across national borders. Conversations, lectures and discussions allow visitors direct contact with artists and curators.

ifa Gallery Berlin

ifa Gallery Stuttgart

ifa Gallery Stuttgart

Charlottenplatz 17
D-70173 Stuttgart

Telephone: +49.711.2225.173
