Orange-red background with a black, half-open mouth.
The Oracle, 2020-23 © Lou Cantor

Panel Discussion: ARE YOU FOR REAL

Screening of The Oracle followed by a conversation with Bassam El Baroni, Giulia Bini, Lou Cantor, and Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás

25 May 2024
14:00 - 16:00
Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Haunani-Kay Trask Saal
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin

As part of the event series AI (Ancestral Immediacies): Alterlife/Afterlife at HKW in Berlin, a panel will be organized by ARE YOU FOR REAL on 25.5. at 14:00. In discussion with Lou Cantor, Bassam El Baroni and an oracle, the two curators of the platform, Giulia Bini and Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás, explore different aspects of machinic intelligence with regards to its material regimes of production and relation to other forms of consciousness, agency, and free will. 

Bassam El Baroni and Lou Cantor are contributing artists to the second phase of ARE YOU FOR REAL. In addition, the video work “The Oracle” by Lou Cantor, which is part of the “Regeneration” cluster, will be shown as part of the event.

ifa Agora

Network, Collection, Archive.

The ifa agora is the central platform for the network, collection and archive of ifa – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen in the field of art. It is a place of transcultural exchange – just as the agora in ancient Greece was a city’s most important meeting place and marketplace. It shows ifa’s relationships and brings them together online.

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Exhibitions worldwide

With over 20 touring exhibitions currently travelling across the globe and with its diverse event programmes on contemporary art, the ifa links the German art scene with internationally active cultural creators and forms cooperations and networks. The projects, many of which were developed in co-creation with local partners, cover the various disciplines of modern and contemporary fine arts – from current themes in architecture, photography and design to Bauhaus and monographic exhibitions such as Rosemarie Trockel or Marcel Odenbach. These projects generate local meeting platforms and allow international perspectives on topics of global relevance. The ifa also provides loan exhibits to interested museums. 

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Overview exhibitions worldwide (PDF)

Nina Frohm

Charlottenplatz 17
D-70173 Stuttgart

Telephone: +49.711.2225.251
